Bio Foundation

Bio Foundation

Challenge: Before the hyper-caffeinated “energy drink” category exploded, the challenge was to take on Gatorade and Powerade. We had to create a “family” of potions to enhance performance.

Strategy: Using the BioFoundation name as a brand, and naming the product “Bio Elixir” we had the beginnings of a complete family of products.

Why it Worked: The branding and packaging was killer. Unfortunately, the product was killed before it could launch.

Moto Scooto

Moto Scooto

Challenge: Introduce a brand new retailer with an unfamiliar product to the rust-belt.

Strategy: Say “scooter” to most people and they either think of the “Jazzy” electrified wheelchair- or “Vespa.” This scooter shop wasn’t going to carry Vespa, instead breaking in with low-price/low-quality Chinese scooters. They needed something that gave them a bit of that Italian mystique

Why it Worked: The name rolls off the tongue, sounding Italian, without having to over the big noodles for the Italian brands and their over-priced aura.



Challenge: When your last name is “Sharp” the idea of “Sharp Consulting” sounds great- but has some drawbacks- like when you might want to sell.

Strategy: With Kata, you can build some Japanese/Deming mystique into this Kaizen consultant.

Why It Worked: A Kata is something you do over and over reaching for perfection. Kaizen is perfecting something you do over and over. We start with complex- and end up with below the line- simple.