Fairchild Doesn’t Quit

Fairchild Doesn’t Quit

Special elections are fast. From time to turn in petitions and get on the ballot to voting day is 90 days. We had to put something together that reassured voters that this candidate wouldn’t quit right after getting elected like the “party favorite” who had resigned, or the party choice Darryl Fairchild was running against. Students of advertising might recognize the inspiration for this ad- or not. Most importantly, it worked and Fairchild won.

Microsun Arc Lamp

Microsun Arc Lamp

Machined out of a solid block of aircraft grade aluminum, this desk light is a huge departure from the rest of the Microsun product line. The most familiar product made the same way is the Apple MacBooks- which look really great together. It’s called borrowed interest, and we think it will help Microsun find an audience. We know you want one. You can buy it here: Microsun Arc Lamp



Most people buying binoculars have no idea that they could be slightly misaligned, and could cause eyestrain. One of the key differences between Oberwerk and the competition is that they collimate every single pair. It gives buyers extra confidence in purchasing a brand they may not be as familiar with.