The advertising business isn’t much different than any other big business these days- why invest when you can outsource?

Big shops, small shops, everyone is doing it, but the question is what are you really getting? And how much are you paying for that name on the door? Are you buying a Jaguar or a Ford with a Jaguar name plate but still the Jag price?

It seems that everybodies favorite agency, Crispin Porter + Bogusky does quite a bit of outsourcing, but if you read the rest of the following post, it doesn’t sound like they are building good business relationships with their subcontractors:
Adrants » Reader Wonders Why Crispin Stingy On Sharing Glory

“I just think it’s interesting that CP B has so much trouble giving credit to those with whom they collaborate on their campaigns. I was just reading some coverage of the iMedia Connection Brand Summit and found the following sentence a little disturbing, ‘CPB also created a GTI Configurator that let online visitors customize their GTIs with all the available features, after which they could take a virtual joyride with the beautiful German Engineer, Helga.’ I’m pretty sure IQ Interactive actually created the Configurator.”