How long does it take for a campaign to launch for the big boy of media- network TV? How do you reach a lot of people fast? Is the Superbowl ad the way to go?
Forget what you know- and what you think you know- blogs spread faster, especially among cutting edge opinion makers and early adopters.
Today these stats were being bandied around on adrants:

that 29 percent of traffic to a site created as part of a recent Audi A3 campaign was generated by advertising on the BlogAds network. The kicker is that 29 percent was achieved with just one half of one percent of the overall media budget. Let’s say it again, advertising on weblogs deliver Audi 29 percent of all responding yet took just on half of one percent of the budget to do so.

It’s no longer the size of your budget that matters, it’s the quality of the content. Mckinney Silver of Durham NC created a scavenger hunt for the new Audi A3 they used a variety of media- including network tv to launch, but the numbers showed that on day 10- in the case study- that the interest was coming from blogs.
And- as a note- for a big-time agency- that “gets the web”- their really expensive Flash based site gets them 8 pages indexed in Google- with no real content showing up in the search results- another example of an agency telling people to do what I say- not as I do.
Blogs connect you with customers. Learn it, repeat it, do it, and link away.

What do you think?