We won’t know if we’ve won silver or gold (the infamous head) until Feb 11 2006, but we’ve at least won bronze for 2 of the 3 entries we submitted this year.
We still haven’t hung the awards from 2003 or 2004 since we’ve run out of wall space in the bathroom, so we’ve cut down on entries this year.
Typically about 90% of what we enter gets in- and most of it wins silver (the gold is a best of category).
This year the Zen Windows direct mail ad is in the running- as is our guerrilla campaign at the ad club “guerrilla marketing” seminar.
You can see the work by following these two links:
Zen Windows: http://thenextwave.biz/zenwin-ad.html
Guerrilla: http://thenextwave.biz/tnw/index.php?s=guerrilla+seminar

what do you think?