Successfully promote your business
and make money

We’re glad
you’re here.

Hopefully, it’s because you understand the value of top-of-mind awareness. No matter what your product or service, if consumers, in the process of making that critical decision of where to spend their money, don’t think about you, you don’t get the sale. Obviously, somehow, you found The Next Wave and are here to learn more about what we can offer your company. This is where it gets interesting.

We can only offer you as much as you are willing to take. It’s often been said that clients get the work they deserve, with the best clients getting the best work. We’re here to help you make money. One of our mantras is “Advertising only costs when it doesn’t work.” Our other is “We’re here to make you more money than you pay us.”

We look for clients who want to stand apart from their competition, who believe that there are no commodities and who want to deliver something amazing to their customers. If your idea of advertising is a picture with a price, we’ll send you to someone else. If your idea is to own a place in the consumer’s mind, well, come on in.

Come on